FIEA Students Debut Four New Video Games On Aug. 3
July 23, 2018

Whether you want to roam the wild west as a robot sheriff or solve puzzles in an overgrown space station, you can do it at UCF. On August 3, 2018 at 2 p.m. students debut four new video games at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy, UCF’s graduate video game development program. The presentations will be held at the Center For Emerging Media, located in downtown Orlando on the site of the future UCF Downtown Campus.
The games being debuted are “Hyper Vital,” “Scamp: High Hat Havoc,” “Long Arm of the Law” and “Liminal.” “Hyper Vital” is a sci-fi survival game and in “Scamp: High Hat Havoc” you play as a mischievous imp in a world of the Big Hat Wizards. In “Long Arm of the Law” you dispense frontier justice as a robot sheriff and “Liminal” is a mind-bending puzzle game where your perspective changes every time you walk through a door.
This will be the first time the public will see the completed projects, which the students have been working on for seven months as their master’s thesis. FIEA offers a 16-month master’s degree in interactive entertainment and was named the #3 graduate game development program in the world by the Princeton Review for 2018.
Artwork & Videos from capstone games
The presentation is free and open to the public. Faculty, staff and students will be available to comment on any of the projects. FIEA will be livestreaming daily interviews with the teams July 30-August 2, 2018 on their Facebook page, The final presentation will be livestreamed at FIEA’s YouTube channel,
UCF’s Center For Emerging Media is located at 500 West Livingston St., Orlando, FL 32801. Because construction for UCF Downtown has started, guests are encouraged to visit FIEA’s directions page for parking instructions at